PC & Mac
Tools Panel
Arrow | V |
Sub Select | A |
Lasso | L |
Line | N |
Pen | P |
Add Anchor Point | = |
Delete Anchor Point | – |
Convert Anchor Point | C |
Text | T |
Oval | O |
Rectangle | R |
Oval Primitive | O |
Rectangle Primitive | R |
Pencil | Y |
Brush | B |
Ink Bottle | S |
Paint Bucket | K |
Dropper | I |
Eraser | E |
Hand | H |
Magnifier | Z |
Free Transform | Q |
Fill Transform | F |
Object Drawing | J |
3D Translation Tool | G |
3D Rotation Tool | W |
Global Transform | D |
Deco Tool | U |
Spray Brush | B |
Bone Tool | M |
Bind Tool | M |
Debug Movie Commands
File | |
New… | Ctrl+N |
Open… | Ctrl+O |
Browse in Bridge | Ctrl+Alt+O |
Close | Ctrl+W |
Close All | Ctrl+Alt+W |
Exit | Ctrl+Q |
Edit | |
Copy | Ctrl+C |
Select All | Ctrl+A |
Find… | Ctrl+F |
Find Again | F3 |
Go to Line… | Ctrl+G |
Preferences… | Ctrl+U |
Keyboard Shortcuts… | |
View | |
Hidden Characters | Ctrl+Shift+8 |
Word Wrap | Ctrl+Shift+W |
Hide Panels | F4 |
Debug | |
Continue | Alt+F5 |
End Debug Session | Alt+F12 |
Step In | Alt+F6 |
Step Over | Alt+F7 |
Step Out | Alt+F8 |
Toggle Breakpoint | Ctrl+B |
Remove All Breakpoints | Ctrl+Shift+B |
Begin Remote Debug Session | |
ActionScript 3.0 | |
ActionScript 2.0 | |
Window | |
Toolbars | |
Main | |
Controller | |
Edit Bar | |
Timeline | Ctrl+Alt+T |
Tools | Ctrl+F2 |
Properties | Ctrl+F3 |
Library | Ctrl+L, F11 |
Common Libraries | |
Buttons | |
Classes | |
Sounds | |
Motion Presets | |
Project | Shift+F8 |
Toolkit for CreateJS | Shift+F9 |
Actions | F9 |
Code Snippets | |
Behaviors | Shift+F3 |
Compiler Errors | Alt+F2 |
Debug Panels | |
Debug Console | |
Variables | |
ActionScript 2.0 Debugger | Shift+F4 |
Movie Explorer | Alt+F3 |
Output | F2 |
Align | Ctrl+K |
Color | Alt+Shift+F9 |
Info | Ctrl+I |
Swatches | Ctrl+F9 |
Transform | Ctrl+T |
Components | Ctrl+F7 |
Component Inspector | Shift+F7 |
Other Panels | |
Accessibility | Alt+Shift+F11 |
History | Ctrl+F10 |
Scene | Shift+F2 |
Strings | Ctrl+F11 |
Web Services | Ctrl+Shift+F10 |
Toolkit for CreateJS | |
Workspace | |
Animator | |
Classic | |
Debug | |
Designer | |
Developer | |
Essentials | |
Small Screen | |
Reset ‘Essentials’ | |
New Workspace… | |
Manage Workspaces… | |
Hide Panels | F4 |
Help | |
Flash Help | F1 |
Flash Support Center | |
Get Latest Flash Player | |
Adobe Product Improvement Program… | |
Flash Exchange | |
Omniture | |
Manage Extensions… | |
Manage AIR SDK… | |
Adobe Online Forums | |
Product Registration… | |
Deactivate… | |
Updates… | |
About Adobe Flash Professional |
Drawing Menu Commands
File | |
New… | Ctrl+N |
Open… | Ctrl+O |
Browse in Bridge | Ctrl+Alt+O |
Close | Ctrl+W |
Close All | Ctrl+Alt+W |
Save | Ctrl+S |
Save As… | Ctrl+Shift+S |
Save as Template… | |
Check In… | |
Save All | |
Revert | |
Import | |
Import to Stage… | Ctrl+R |
Import to Library… | |
Open External Library… | Ctrl+Shift+O |
Import Video… | |
Export | |
Export Image… | |
Export Selection… | |
Export Movie… | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S |
Export Document… | |
Publish Settings… | Ctrl+Shift+F12 |
Publish Preview | |
Default | F12, Ctrl+F12 |
Flash | |
HTML | |
GIF | |
JPEG | |
PNG | |
Projector | |
Publish | Alt+Shift+F12 |
AIR Settings… | |
ActionScript Settings… | |
File Info… | |
Page Setup… | |
Print… | Ctrl+P |
Send… | |
Exit | Ctrl+Q |
Edit | |
Undo | Ctrl+Z |
Redo | Ctrl+Y |
Cut | Ctrl+X |
Copy | Ctrl+C |
Paste in Center | Ctrl+V |
Paste in Place | Ctrl+Shift+V |
Paste Special… | |
Clear | Backspace, Clear, Delete |
Duplicate | Ctrl+D |
Select All | Ctrl+A |
Deselect All | Ctrl+Shift+A |
Find and Replace | Ctrl+F |
Find Next | F3 |
Timeline | |
Remove Frames | Shift+F5 |
Cut Frames | Ctrl+Alt+X |
Copy Frames | Ctrl+Alt+C |
Paste Frames | Ctrl+Alt+V |
Clear Frames | Alt+Backspace |
Select All Frames | Ctrl+Alt+A |
Cut Layers | |
Copy Layers | |
Paste Layers | |
Duplicate Layers | |
Copy Motion | |
Copy Motion as ActionScript 3.0… | |
Paste Motion | |
Paste Motion Special… | |
Edit Symbols | Ctrl+E |
Edit Selected | |
Edit in Place | |
Edit All | |
Preferences… | Ctrl+U |
Customize Tools Panel… | |
Font Mapping… | |
Keyboard Shortcuts… | |
View | |
Go to | |
First | Home |
Previous | Page Up |
Next | Page Down |
Last | End |
Zoom In | Ctrl+= |
Zoom Out | Ctrl+- |
Magnification | |
Fit in Window | |
25% | |
50% | |
100% | Ctrl+1 |
200% | |
400% | Ctrl+4 |
800% | Ctrl+8 |
Show Frame | Ctrl+2 |
Show All | Ctrl+3 |
Preview Mode | |
Outlines | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O |
Fast | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F |
Anti-Alias | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A |
Anti-Alias Text | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T |
Full | |
Pasteboard | Ctrl+Shift+W |
Rulers | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R |
Grid | |
Show Grid | Ctrl+’ |
Edit Grid… | Ctrl+Alt+G |
Guides | |
Show Guides | Ctrl+; |
Lock Guides | Ctrl+Alt+; |
Edit Guides… | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G |
Clear Guides | |
Snapping | |
Snap Align | |
Snap to Grid | Ctrl+Shift+’ |
Snap to Guides | Ctrl+Shift+; |
Snap to Pixels | |
Snap to Objects | Ctrl+Shift+/ |
Edit Snapping… | Ctrl+/ |
Hide Edges | Ctrl+H |
Show Shape Hints | Ctrl+Alt+H |
Show Tab Order | |
Insert | |
New Symbol… | Ctrl+F8 |
Motion Tween | |
Shape Tween | |
Classic Tween | |
Timeline | |
Layer | |
Layer Folder | |
Frame | F5 |
Keyframe | |
Blank Keyframe | |
Scene | |
Modify | |
Document… | Ctrl+J |
Convert to Symbol… | F8 |
Convert to Bitmap | |
Break Apart | Ctrl+B |
Bitmap | |
Swap Bitmap… | |
Trace Bitmap… | |
Symbol | |
Swap Symbol… | |
Duplicate Symbol… | |
Shape | |
Smooth | |
Straighten | |
Advanced Smooth… | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M |
Advanced Straighten… | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N |
Optimize… | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C |
Convert Lines to Fills | |
Expand Fill… | |
Soften Fill Edges… | |
Add Shape Hint | Ctrl+Shift+H |
Remove All Hints | |
Combine Objects | |
Delete Envelope | |
Union | |
Intersect | |
Punch | |
Crop | |
Timeline | |
Distribute to Layers | Ctrl+Shift+D |
Layer Properties… | |
Reverse Frames | |
Synchronize Symbols | |
Convert to Keyframes | F6 |
Clear Keyframe | Shift+F6 |
Convert to Blank Keyframes | F7 |
Split Motion | |
Join Motions | |
Transform | |
Free Transform | |
Distort | |
Envelope | |
Scale | |
Rotate and Skew | |
Scale and Rotate… | Ctrl+Alt+S |
Rotate 90° CW | Ctrl+Shift+9 |
Rotate 90° CCW | Ctrl+Shift+7 |
Flip Vertical | |
Flip Horizontal | |
Remove Transform | Ctrl+Shift+Z |
Arrange | |
Bring to Front | Ctrl+Shift+Up |
Bring Forward | Ctrl+Up |
Send Backward | Ctrl+Down |
Send to Back | Ctrl+Shift+Down |
Lock | Ctrl+Alt+L |
Unlock All | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L |
Align | |
Left | Ctrl+Alt+1 |
Horizontal Center | Ctrl+Alt+2 |
Right | Ctrl+Alt+3 |
Top | Ctrl+Alt+4 |
Vertical Center | Ctrl+Alt+5 |
Bottom | Ctrl+Alt+6 |
Distribute Widths | Ctrl+Alt+7 |
Distribute Heights | Ctrl+Alt+9 |
Make Same Width | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+7 |
Make Same Height | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+9 |
Align to Stage | Ctrl+Alt+8 |
Group | Ctrl+G |
Ungroup | Ctrl+Shift+G |
Text | |
Style | |
Bold | Ctrl+Shift+B |
Italic | Ctrl+Shift+I |
Faux Bold | |
Faux Italic | |
Subscript | |
Superscript | |
Align | |
Align Left | Ctrl+Shift+L |
Align Center | Ctrl+Shift+C |
Align Right | Ctrl+Shift+R |
Justify | Ctrl+Shift+J |
Letter Spacing | |
Increase | Ctrl+Alt+Right |
Decrease | Ctrl+Alt+Left |
Reset | Ctrl+Alt+Up |
Scrollable | |
Check Spelling… | |
Spelling Setup… | |
Font Embedding… | |
TLF Tab Ruler | Ctrl+Shift+T |
Commands | |
Manage Saved Commands… | |
Get More Commands… | |
Run Command… | |
Convert Symbol to Flex Component | |
Convert Symbol to Flex Container | |
Copy Font Name for ActionScript | |
Copy Motion as XML | |
Export Motion XML | |
Import Motion XML | |
Publish for CreateJS | |
Control | |
Play | Enter |
Rewind | Shift+,, Ctrl+Alt+R |
Go To End | Shift+. |
Step Forward One Frame | . |
Step Backward One Frame | , |
Test Movie | |
in Flash Professional | |
in Browser | |
in AIR Debug Launcher (Desktop) | |
in AIR Debug Launcher (Mobile) | |
on Device via USB | |
on iOS Simulator | |
Test | Ctrl+Enter |
Test %s | Ctrl+Alt+Enter |
Clear Publish Cache | |
Clear Publish Cache and Test Movie | |
Loop Playback | |
Play All Scenes | |
Enable Simple Frame Actions | Ctrl+Alt+F |
Enable Simple Buttons | Ctrl+Alt+B |
Enable Live Preview | |
Mute Sounds | Ctrl+Alt+M |
Debug | |
Debug Movie | |
in Flash Professional | |
in AIR Debug Launcher (Desktop) | |
in AIR Debug Launcher (Mobile) | |
on Device via USB | |
on iOS Simulator | |
Debug | Ctrl+Shift+Enter |
Continue | Alt+F5 |
End Debug Session | Alt+F12 |
Step In | Alt+F6 |
Step Over | Alt+F7 |
Step Out | Alt+F8 |
Remove All Breakpoints | |
Begin Remote Debug Session | |
ActionScript 3.0 | |
ActionScript 2.0 | |
Window | |
Duplicate Window | Ctrl+Alt+K |
Toolbars | |
Main | |
Controller | |
Edit Bar | |
Timeline | Ctrl+Alt+T |
Motion Editor | |
Tools | Ctrl+F2 |
Properties | Ctrl+F3 |
Library | Ctrl+L, F11 |
Common Libraries | |
Buttons | |
Classes | |
Sounds | |
Motion Presets | |
Project | Shift+F8 |
Toolkit for CreateJS | Shift+F9 |
Actions | F9 |
Code Snippets | |
Behaviors | Shift+F3 |
Compiler Errors | Alt+F2 |
Debug Panels | |
Debug Console | |
Variables | |
ActionScript 2.0 Debugger | Shift+F4 |
Movie Explorer | Alt+F3 |
Output | F2 |
Align | Ctrl+K |
Color | Alt+Shift+F9 |
Info | Ctrl+I |
Swatches | Ctrl+F9 |
Transform | Ctrl+T |
Components | Ctrl+F7 |
Component Inspector | Shift+F7 |
Other Panels | |
Accessibility | Alt+Shift+F11 |
History | Ctrl+F10 |
Scene | Shift+F2 |
Strings | Ctrl+F11 |
Web Services | Ctrl+Shift+F10 |
Toolkit for CreateJS | |
Workspace | |
Animator | |
Classic | |
Debug | |
Designer | |
Developer | |
Essentials | |
Small Screen | |
Reset ‘Essentials’ | |
New Workspace… | |
Manage Workspaces… | |
Hide Panels | F4 |
Help | |
Flash Help | F1 |
Flash Support Center | |
Get Latest Flash Player | |
Adobe Product Improvement Program… | |
Flash Exchange | |
Omniture | |
Manage Extensions… | |
Manage AIR SDK… | |
Adobe Online Forums | |
Product Registration… | |
Deactivate… | |
Updates… | |
About Adobe Flash Professional |
Test Movie Menu Commands
File | |
Close | Ctrl+W |
View | |
Zoom In | Ctrl+= |
Zoom Out | Ctrl+- |
Magnification | |
25% | |
50% | |
100% | Ctrl+1 |
200% | |
400% | Ctrl+4 |
800% | Ctrl+8 |
Show Frame | Ctrl+2 |
Show All | Ctrl+3 |
Bandwidth Profiler | Ctrl+B |
Streaming Graph | Ctrl+G |
Frame By Frame Graph | Ctrl+F |
Simulate Download | Ctrl+Enter |
Download Settings | |
User setting 1 | |
User setting 2 | |
User setting 3 | |
User setting 4 | |
User setting 5 | |
User setting 6 | |
User setting 7 | |
User setting 8 | |
Customize… | |
Quality | |
Low | |
Medium | |
High | |
Show Redraw Regions | Ctrl+E |
Control | |
Play | Enter |
Rewind | Shift+,, Ctrl+Alt+R |
Loop | |
Step Forward One Frame | . |
Step Backward One Frame | , |
Disable Keyboard Shortcuts | |
Debug | |
Continue | Alt+F5 |
End Debug Session | Alt+F12 |
Step In | Alt+F6 |
Step Over | Alt+F7 |
Step Out | Alt+F8 |
Toggle Breakpoint | |
Remove All Breakpoints | |
Begin Remote Debug Session | |
ActionScript 3.0 | |
ActionScript 2.0 | |
List Objects | Ctrl+L |
List Variables | Ctrl+Alt+V |
Window | |
Toolbars | |
Main | |
Controller | |
ActionScript 2.0 Debugger | Shift+F4 |
Output | F2 |
Help | |
Flash Help | F1 |
Flash Support Center | |
Get Latest Flash Player | |
Adobe Product Improvement Program… | |
Flash Exchange | |
Omniture | |
Manage Extensions… | |
Manage AIR SDK… | |
Adobe Online Forums | |
Product Registration… | |
Deactivate… | |
Updates… |
Script Edit Commands
File | |
New… | Ctrl+N |
Open… | Ctrl+O |
Browse in Bridge | Ctrl+Alt+O |
Close | Ctrl+W |
Close All | Ctrl+Alt+W |
Save | Ctrl+S |
Save As… | Ctrl+Shift+S |
Check In… | |
Save All | |
Revert | |
Import Script.. | Ctrl+Shift+I |
Print… | Ctrl+P |
Exit | Ctrl+Q |
Edit | |
Undo | Ctrl+Z |
Redo | Ctrl+Y |
Cut | Ctrl+X |
Copy | Ctrl+C |
Paste | Ctrl+V |
Delete | Backspace, Clear, Delete |
Select All | Ctrl+A |
Find and Replace… | Ctrl+F |
Find Again | F3 |
Go to Line… | Ctrl+G |
Indent Code | Ctrl+[ |
Outdent Code | Ctrl+] |
Balance Braces | Ctrl+’ |
Code Collapse | |
Collapse Between Braces | Ctrl+Shift+’ |
Collapse Selection | Ctrl+Shift+C |
Collapse Outside Selection | Ctrl+Alt+C |
Expand Selection | Ctrl+Shift+X |
Expand All | Ctrl+Alt+X |
Apply /**/ Comment | |
Apply // Comment | |
Remove Comment | |
Preferences… | Ctrl+U |
Keyboard Shortcuts… | |
View | |
Esc Shortcut Keys | |
Hidden Characters | Ctrl+Shift+8 |
Line Numbers | Ctrl+Shift+L |
Word Wrap | Ctrl+Shift+W |
Hide Panels | F4 |
Tools | |
Auto Format | Ctrl+Shift+F |
Check Syntax | Ctrl+T |
Show Code Hint | Ctrl+Spacebar |
Control | |
Test Movie | |
in Flash Professional | |
in Browser | |
in AIR Debug Launcher (Desktop) | |
in AIR Debug Launcher (Mobile) | |
on Device via USB | |
on iOS Simulator | |
Test | Ctrl+Enter |
Clear Publish Cache | |
Clear Publish Cache and Test Movie | |
Debug | |
Debug Movie | |
in Flash Professional | |
in AIR Debug Launcher (Desktop) | |
in AIR Debug Launcher (Mobile) | |
on Device via USB | |
on iOS Simulator | |
Debug | Ctrl+Shift+Enter |
Continue | Alt+F5 |
End Debug Session | Alt+F12 |
Step In | Alt+F6 |
Step Over | Alt+F7 |
Step Out | Alt+F8 |
Toggle Breakpoint | Ctrl+B |
Remove Breakpoints in This File | Ctrl+Shift+B |
Remove Breakpoints in All AS Files | |
Begin Remote Debug Session | |
ActionScript 3.0 | |
ActionScript 2.0 | |
Window | |
Toolbars | |
Main | |
Controller | |
Edit Bar | |
Timeline | Ctrl+Alt+T |
Tools | Ctrl+F2 |
Properties | Ctrl+F3 |
Library | Ctrl+L, F11 |
Common Libraries | |
Buttons | |
Classes | |
Sounds | |
Motion Presets | |
Project | Shift+F8 |
Toolkit for CreateJS | Shift+F9 |
Actions | F9 |
Code Snippets | |
Behaviors | Shift+F3 |
Compiler Errors | Alt+F2 |
Debug Panels | |
Debug Console | |
Variables | |
ActionScript 2.0 Debugger | Shift+F4 |
Movie Explorer | Alt+F3 |
Output | F2 |
Align | Ctrl+K |
Color | Alt+Shift+F9 |
Info | Ctrl+I |
Swatches | Ctrl+F9 |
Transform | |
Components | Ctrl+F7 |
Component Inspector | Shift+F7 |
Other Panels | |
Accessibility | Alt+Shift+F11 |
History | Ctrl+F10 |
Scene | Shift+F2 |
Strings | Ctrl+F11 |
Web Services | Ctrl+Shift+F10 |
Toolkit for CreateJS | |
Workspace | |
Animator | |
Classic | |
Debug | |
Designer | |
Developer | |
Essentials | |
Small Screen | |
Reset ‘Essentials’ | |
New Workspace… | |
Manage Workspaces… | |
Hide Panels | F4 |
Help | |
Flash Help | F1 |
Flash Support Center | |
Get Latest Flash Player | |
Adobe Product Improvement Program… | |
Flash Exchange | |
Omniture | |
Manage Extensions… | |
Manage AIR SDK… | |
Adobe Online Forums | |
Product Registration… | |
Deactivate… | |
Updates… | |
About Adobe Flash Professional |
Workspace Accessibility Commands
Forward Panel Focus | Ctrl+F6 |
Backward Panel Focus | Ctrl+Shift+F6 |
Select Stage | Ctrl+Alt+Home |
Select Next Object | Tab |
Select Previous Object | Shift+Tab |
Actions Panel Commands
Auto Format | Ctrl+Shift+F |
Check Syntax | Ctrl+T |
Show Code Hint | Ctrl+Spacebar |
Script Assist | Ctrl+Shift+E |
Esc Shortcut Keys | |
Hidden Characters | Ctrl+Shift+8 |
Line Numbers | Ctrl+Shift+L |
Word Wrap | Ctrl+Shift+W |
Find Again | F3 |
Find and Replace… | Ctrl+F |
Go to Line… | Ctrl+G |
Balance Braces | Ctrl+’ |
Indent Code | Ctrl+[ |
Outdent Code | Ctrl+] |
Code Collapse | |
Collapse Between Braces | Ctrl+Shift+’ |
Collapse Selection | Ctrl+Shift+C |
Collapse Outside Selection | Ctrl+Alt+C |
Expand Selection | Ctrl+Shift+X |
Expand All | Ctrl+Alt+X |
Apply /**/ Comment | |
Apply // Comment | |
Remove Comment | |
Toggle Breakpoint | Ctrl+B |
Remove All Breakpoints | Ctrl+Shift+B |
Reload Code Hints | |
Pin Script | Ctrl+= |
Close Script | Ctrl+- |
Close All Scripts | Ctrl+Shift+- |
Import Script… | Ctrl+Shift+I |
Export Script… | Ctrl+Shift+P |
Print… | |
Preferences… | Ctrl+U |