

Pointer toolV, 0
Select Behind toolV, 0
Subselection toolA, 1
Marquee toolM
Oval Marquee toolM
Lasso toolL
Polygon Lasso toolL
Crop toolC
Export Area toolC
Magic Wand toolW
Line toolN
Pen toolP
Rectangle toolU
Ellipse toolU
Polygon toolU
Text toolT
Pencil toolB
Vector Path toolP
Redraw Path toolP
Brush toolB
Scale toolQ
Skew toolQ
Distort toolQ
9-slice scaling toolQ
Freeform toolO
Reshape Area toolO
Path Scrubber tool – additiveO
Path Scrubber tool – subtractiveO
Eyedropper toolI
Paint Bucket toolG
Gradient toolG
Eraser toolE
Blur toolR
Sharpen toolR
Dodge toolR
Burn toolR
Smudge toolR
Rubber Stamp toolS
Replace Color toolS
Red Eye RemovalS
Knife toolY
Rectangle Hotspot toolJ
Circle Hotspot toolJ
Polygon Hotspot toolJ
Slice toolK
Polygon Slice toolK
Hand toolH
Zoom toolZ
Hide/Show Slices2
Default Stroke and Fill ColorsD
Swap Stroke and Fill ColorsX
No Stroke or Fill
Toggle Screen ModeF

Auto Shapes

Arrow Line
Beveled Rectangle
Chamfer Rectangle
Connector Line
Measure Tool
Rounded Rectangle
Smart Polygon


Check In [the active document]
Check Out [the active document]
Clone and Nudge DownOpt+Down Arrow, Opt+Cmd+Down Arrow
Clone and Nudge Down LargeShift+Opt+Down Arrow, Shift+Opt+Cmd+Down Arrow
Clone and Nudge LeftOpt+Left Arrow, Opt+Cmd+Left Arrow
Clone and Nudge Left LargeShift+Opt+Left Arrow, Shift+Opt+Cmd+Left Arrow
Clone and Nudge RightOpt+Right Arrow, Opt+Cmd+Right Arrow
Clone and Nudge Right LargeShift+Opt+Right Arrow, Shift+Opt+Cmd+Right Arrow
Clone and Nudge UpOpt+Up Arrow, Opt+Cmd+Up Arrow
Clone and Nudge Up LargeShift+Opt+Up Arrow, Shift+Opt+Cmd+Up Arrow
Edit Bitmap
Exit Bitmap ModeShift+Cmd+E
Fill Selected PixelsOpt+Delete
Get [the active document]
Group as Bitmap Mask
Group as Vector Mask
Next PagePage Down, Cmd+Page Down
Next SelectionShift+Cmd+Right Arrow
Next StateShift+.
Nudge DownDown Arrow
Nudge Down LargeShift+Down Arrow
Nudge LeftLeft Arrow
Nudge Left LargeShift+Left Arrow
Nudge RightRight Arrow
Nudge Right LargeShift+Right Arrow
Nudge UpUp Arrow
Nudge Up LargeShift+Up Arrow
Paste InsideShift+Cmd+V
Play AnimationCtrl+Opt+P
Previous PagePage Up, Cmd+Page Up
Previous SelectionShift+Cmd+Left Arrow
Previous StateShift+,
Put [the active document]
Redo Selection
Undo Check Out [the active document]
Undo Selection